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John Ralph Pisapia, Professor

Leadership and Policy Studies
and Founder of Strategic Leadership International

Dr. Pisapia and his team are adept at delivering concepts of strategic leadership in everyday language for the general public and leaders of public, profit and non profit organizations.





How to Think Like a Successful Leader!

General public, Profit and non profit, and government leaders

Premise: Successful leaders think differently than less successful leaders.

Program: Participants take the Pisapia Strategic Leadership Questionnaire: Part I (PSLQ 1) to discover the way they use systems thinking, reframing and reflection to process information and interpret their world.  Pisapia then explains the concept and skills of developing "strategic mindset."  Participants will score the PSLQ so they can compare their use of the processes with successful leaders use of the processes.  Participants leave with an improvement plan.

Time: Program can be delivered in 1-3 hours or 1 day.


Leading your Organization Strategically

Profit, non profit and government leaders.

Premise:  Successful leaders use 6 interlocking strategic tactics and 4 balancing strategies to lead their organization through change.

Program:  Participants take the Pisapia Strategic Leadership Questionnaire Part 2: (PSLQ 2) to discover their ability to lead change in their organization.   Then Pisapia leads them through a discovery of strategic leadership tactics and strategies and how they can be applied to their situation.  Participants leave with method to bring change to their organization

Time: Program can be delivered in 3 hours, I day or 2 days.


The Attributes of Successful Leaders

(Putting on Superman's Cape)

General public, Profit, non profit and government leaders

Premise:  Successful leaders possess 8 attributes that enable them to lead followers.

Program:  Participants are introduced to the attributes of successful leaders:  Aspiration, Assertiveness, Adaptability and Attraction; Confidence, Creditability, Character and Connection.  They use the  attributes to assess themselves and leave with a professional growth plan

Time:  Program can be delivered in 1 - 3 hours


Leadership and the New Science

Profit, non profit and governmental leaders

Premise:  The Context of Leadership is changing.  Leaders must understand the old science based on Newtonian physics is giving way to the new science based on Quantum Physics in order to implement change.

Program:  Participants are introduced to the difference between the old and new science worldviews of bring change to an organization.   Then lessons are extracted from the new science for changing the way they lead their organizations.

Take Away: Participants drastically change the way they build visions, plan and implement change.

Time:  Program can be delivered in 1-3 hours.


Leading your Life Strategically

General Public

Premise: Success in life is increased if you have a plan.

Program:  Participants are introduced to the 6 interlocking strategic tactics used to discover their future and how to achieve it.

Time:  Program can be delivered in 1 hour